Hi! Welcome back. I’d like to close my discussion of The Lombardi Rules: 26 Lessons from Vince Lombardi by looking at commitment. As some of you know who have been reading this blog I am in the process of launching a consulting practice that offers problem solving and training advice to small and medium size companies. As I walk farther off that pier of employment conformity (Paid employment) into the waters of employment unconformity (self-employment), two things keep entering my mind and consciousness, confidence and commitment.
I have been talking with many individuals lately who have taken the path less traveled and earn a living selling their skills and expertise on the open market. One friend of mine Hal, made a comment that has stuck with me he said “that you need to get to the point where you have the confidence to step out and work on your own; once you have that confidence you can make it.”
In reading this book Lombardi talks about confidence and success, the two are intertwined you can’t have confidence without success and success breeds confidence.
“You defeat defeatism with confidence. The man who is trained to his peak capacity will gain confidence. Confidence is contagious, and so is a lack of confidence.”
Vince Lombardi
Vince Lombardi Jr. the author of the book writes “confidence is catching, and so is a lack of confidence. If a leader exudes confidence, his troops will follow his lead.” How does one gain the confidence to start a new project or activity? Well one must be committed to the process and have faith that their efforts will be fruitful.
Lombardi writes that “total commitment implies doing whatever it takes to reach your goal. The essence of commitment is the act of making a decision.” Vince Jr. further states that “In the Lombardi code, mental toughness is the ability to hold onto one’s goals in the face of the pressure and stress.”
“Mental toughness is the willingness to keep commitments you make to yourself. It’s singleness of purpose. It’s the ability to stay motivated, no matter what obstacles arise in your path.”
What obstacles have arisen in your path as you started your business or developed your career? Where did you find the confidence to keep showing up each day and learn those hard lessons that everyone must learn in order to find some success and purpose in life? How have you helped an employee or friend reach for their goals?
I’d love to hear your comments, please leave me one if you are so inclined. Thanks for reading my blog I’ll close with one of my favorite Vince Lombardi quote until next time all my best! Jer
“I would say that the quality of each man’s life is the full measure of that man’s personal commitment to excellence and to victory—whether it be football, business, politics or government, or what have you.”
Vince Lombardi